What makes the perfect pair of heels?

My favourite party shoes for years were a pair of sparkly Miu Miu's - which I loved so much that I replaced with another. (Pictured here!)
These shoes are party winners - not just because of their sparkle, but how they wear on the night.
Watch out for these tips when choosing your party shoes and your feet will thank you.
Rounder fronts are kinder on toes - esp the little ones. No one likes feeling squished all night!
In high heels, your foot will often slip forward, putting pressure on your toes. A strap stops your foot from slipping, keeping your foot in the correct position in the shoe.
Block heel help prevent the gazelle-in-headlights wobble factor. Much more comfortable to stand in and also won't see you get your heel caught between floorboards or in gratings.
And, last but not least, pop in a pair of Alice Bow's for comfort.
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